My Grief Timeline

October 25, 2015
My Mother Passed, Beverly Patricia Christie. When my mother passed, a piece of me passed that day. She battled Colon Rectal Cancer, she had a large piece of her colon removed and was given a temporary ostomy bag. The doctor’s reversed the Ostomy bag three months later. We went back for her annual colon check; the cancer was still there. She underwent another surgery; they removed more of her colon and her entire rectum and gave her a permanent ostomy bag. I do not recall her ever being able to sit down comfortably, ever again. She underwent numerous rounds of Chemotherapy, Radiation and more Chemotherapy until her Oncologist told her that there was nothing else that she could do. She released her to Hospice at that time.

March 23, 2017
A lady ran a red light and almost killed me. I was pried out of my vehicle taken to the nearest hospital and they could not assist me. I was then transported to where is known as Atlanta’s Trauma Headquarters, Grady Memorial Hospital. I could not help but think, what if my son were in the car. It took 3 surgeries, a metal plate and hip reconstruction, and a year of intense physical therapy for me to walk again. It took me a year to walk again. To date, I have the mental and physical scar that I carry with me from this accident as a constant reminder.

June 07, 2018
While vacationing in Bermuda with my family, my husband passed away on the beach, the very same beach I spread my mother’s cremations on in 2015. I left Atlanta excited to introduce my husband to his first time leaving the country, I rode back to Atlanta with his remains (cremations) in my lap. My husband of 10 years, the man that I prayed for God to send me, my son’s father, my best friend.